
search functionality

Relevant and accurate search for your store

Search has become the default browsing strategy for many customers. If a customer can’t find it, they can’t buy it. Accurate search is key to any successful ecommerce store. Storebase includes a range of on-site search tools to help drive customers to the products they’re looking for.


Assist with the search process

Inspire customers with relevant search suggestions. Every Storebase store includes quick real-time keyword, product, and category suggestions to guide customers to better search queries and results.

Search Process

Boost and tweak results

As a store owner, you know your product range better than anyone. With the built-in search optimiser, manually optimise search suggestions and results to your liking. Tweak and boost products for any search query to improve the overall site search experience.


Driven by a powerful engine

Storebase site search is powered by Elasticsearch — one of the most capable and scalable store search engines available. A full-text search and analytics engine is part of every store to help your shoppers find exactly what they’re looking for. Your smart-sales assistant is available 24 hours a day.